



Please make the new emoji additions added in 4.2 optional. we don’t want this on our site and would appreciate a way to turn them off in settings somehow.


Agree with you. Strange decision to put this into the core…


For the first time in several years I had to roll back a new version of WordPress to the old one. The Reason Is Emoji. What was the need to implement this for all users by default? That’s a pretty specific function! I want the old smilies!

Give the opportunity to choose to use emoticons or Emoji. After updating all my emoticons partially replaced by Emoji, partially instead of black squares that looks terrible!

Previously, I have added all the smilies under the comment form that commentators would put them in the form of a comment, now it will not start! Still the file names in the path to the images are broken, replacing the file name in Emoji and a link causes a 404 error. Do something, it looks bad.

I suggest to remove Emoji from the core of WordPress and add them as a plugin, for example in a Jetpack.


If you just want to disable the new emoji code, this will do it:

Disable Emojis (GDPR friendly)

If you want to disable the emojis and also revert all the smilies to the original ones, this will do it:


We dont want to have to install a plugin just to remove emojis!


Then you won’t be able to remove the emoji support.

Any changes you wish to make to the core system can be done through plugins. Plugins are the way that the system is altered. If you don’t want to use a plugin, then nothing actually gets changed. Even core changes happen through feature plugins.

Plugins are the backbone of the WordPress system. Most of the internal functionality in the core code is done through a plugin system. The plugin system is fundamental to how WordPress works.

So live with the emoji’s, or use a plugin to solve the problem you’re having. That’s how it is.

If you just want to rant, then do that on your own blog. These are support forums. We’re here to provide solutions, not to listen to you complain.


Yes! We don’t want to install plugins to deactivate the functions of the WordPress core! Users should always be a choice, please make it to were you can choose to use the standard emoticons or emoji! It’s a matter of taste and the appearance of the site.

And the fact that inserts emoji me unnecessary scripts and styles in the header – is clearly of no use to the blog and contrary to all the Google guidelines for optimization and acceleration of the work site. Emoji needs to be an option and not a forced imposition. The desire for functionality of social networks does not Bode well, if I wanted something would keep his diary in a social network, but WordPress is the best blogging engine, and it should not impose its users using emoji or other third-party services.


@webliberty: That is a view, certainly, but it’s one that contrary to the philosophical principles guiding WordPress development.
“Decisions, not options.”
It is highly unlikely that this will be made into an optional thing in the future. Therefore, you can either use a plugin to enable the type of emoticons you want, or you can not do that. You do have a choice. Plugins are the way that WordPress offers choices. Sorry if that’s not good enough for you, but they’re not going to put in a checkbox type of thing. That’s just not how WordPress works.


@webliberty: I totally agree
@Samuel Wood: “Plugins are the way that WordPress offers choices” I think that what you said sums things up perfectly. This Emoji thing should have been made as an optional plugin that users have the choice to install or not. At the very least, it should be an option to enable or disable via the admin. There are many core features built into WordPress that can be enabled or not used via a choice in the admin…this should be one of them…its only common sense.


I have now just installed 5 plugins and not very desirable whenever the innovation is to install a new plugin to disable something. The plugin you want to use to add new features, not to disable them.
When I upgraded to WP 4.2 all my emoticons in the records turned into a terrible emoji and some were black squares. Do I have several hundred records manually edit to remove them from the pages?
Because in WP there are many things where you can select. Why not give the option to choose between emoticons and emoji? After all code in the kernel file functions.php not much has changed.
I read somewhere that emoji is not symbols and Unicode characters, however, if you inspect element in the browser all the Unicode character I also loaded the picture from the website s.w.org. If this is the same picture, then what’s the point? And the original picture size 72×72 px and they are scaled to a smaller size. Why to force the size of the emoji 1em is equal?
Here is a look at the screenshot, I wasn deduced smiles at the comment form using the code: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gfg8c29d0tzo4c/smilies.png?dl=0
Now I can’t do that because the link to the picture in the form of breaks and a file called smiley face turns into a strange symbol, so the link doesn’t work. How will users be able to insert a smiley in a comment? Now how to implement it? Why not make a standard function to list all available emoji form?
For users with mobile devices that may be convenient, but how to paste on a PC? Why do commentators have to open obscure third sites and copy the codes from there?


2.从开发者的角度讲,”Decisions, not options.”这句话非常赞!我都已经给出方案了,爱用不用。


最后,测个表情 😉


  1. wp已更新到最新版,倒也没见出什么问题。

    1. 不喜欢用表情的看不出来

    1. 颜文字的服务器在墙外.写东西喜欢加颜文字的话有影响.

  2. 我不升级果然是对的(主要是现在用着挺好,我也不那么讲究什么功能,只要可以用就好)


    1. 本来我也非常不喜欢升级,只不过最近在折腾新主题,生怕错过了新功能才紧跟时代脚步的.

  3. 我都是直接替换掉默认表情,改为自定义表情,存放在主题文件夹内,挺好

    1. 我不喜欢把修改放到主题里,那样一换主题得改半天.所以我自己写了个n in 1插件,有好东东就扒过来往里一放..

      1. 这个想法不错,以前我都是要么改默认文件,要么改主题的,没想到折腾成插件,不过现在也很少折腾主题了,等有想法换主题后再来折腾折腾。

  4. 移动端是驱势,这次 WordPress 强推这个新功能可以理解,只是再一次没有考虑到墙后的用户们。

    1. 对重度依赖原有表情功能的作者也很不好.原来的表情一下子全废了,所以好多外国人也在跳脚

  5. 现在WP频繁更新,看见大家都在吐槽~~~

    1. WP还算好的。记得几年前我还在博客上给人推荐firefox3,一转眼都37了。这年头版本号太不值钱了。

  6. Decisions, not options. 对于开发者来说,这是最明智的

    1. 用户大多数时候根本不知道自己想要什么。

  7. 国内不待见大部分的原因是图片源在国内不能访问

    1. 对,有部分不理解为啥要支持uniconde

  8. 我都没注意,新版本改了些什么。。

    1. 颜文字emoji支持,浏览器上一个pressit的button,还有就是主题预览更方便了.

  9. 我的WordPress 还停留在4.1.5版本


    1. 最新的不一定最好。我要不是最近在玩主题,也不会手那么欠。
