19 年前 波波先生婚礼组委会会议 下面是部分代表发表的意见: 老大:有什么想不开的,非得结婚. 俺:这个时候让俺上富国街,给俺买保险了吗? 老二:确定是礼拜天哈. 小李子:干什么叫俺带车?俺不认道. 队长:非得打领带么?
Hi, I’ve published an updated version of the date countdown. It has a slight change in the calculation of the number of days remaining, so be sure to update to the newest version!
没想到阿,波波先婚了 :em36:
Hi, I’ve published an updated version of the date countdown. It has a slight change in the calculation of the number of days remaining, so be sure to update to the newest version!